In honor of finishing the new Mooseboy and Sammy strip (#3), I'm posting the second strip that appeared in the last issue of DC Conspiracy's Magic Bullet. I think the jokes worked a little better in this one compared to the first strip, even though the whole Sarah Palin thing was a little "last year," when it came out in September 2011. When I started Mooseboy I had no idea where I wanted it to go, and bringing in the moose hunting Sarah Palin seemed fitting. Like Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, Sarah made perfect sense in the Mooseboy world. I still don't know where this is going to go, I like having political guests come in, so that will most likely continue. I'm not trying to support one side over the other, I just want to poke fun at politicians who remind me of cartoon characters. Which is not hard to imagine in today's political scene.
But anyway. The third Moosboy and Sammy strip will be coming out in DC Conspiracy's Magic Bullet #4. I don't know for sure, but I think it should be out in a month or two, so maybe some time in March it will be available?? I am proud of the new strip, I think it is the closest to what I originally envisioned the art and design of the strip to look like. So be on the look out this Spring, available locally around DC, VA. and MD.